St. Joseph, pray for…that guy.
One of the little neighbor girls was over here the other day and we were talking about selling houses. She told me that she has an uncle who really needed a house to sell one time, and he’d heard something about the practice of burying a statue of St. Joseph in your yard to get the house to sell. He was desperate so he decided to try it.
Unfortunately this uncle did not come from a culture where this was common practice, so he missed some of the details about this custom. Instead of the usual dimestore figurine, he ended up buying a life-sized statue of St. Joseph. Not only was this expensive, but its burial turned into a bit of a production that took him the better part of the day and lasted well into the evening. The neighbors caught a glimpse of it and became so alarmed that they called the cops!
Long story short, he ended up sitting in jail while the police dug up his yard.
By Conversion Diary.
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.